by Maria | Aug 28, 2018 | Learning Spanish, Spanish Teachers, Tips, Uncategorized
Studying Spanish doesn´t have to be a chore, but quite the opposite. The most important thing to do in order to make effective progress is to take advantage of every opportunity to practice your Spanish. The ideal thing to do would be to travel and spend a period of...
by Maria | Jun 19, 2018 | Tips
The best way to learn Spanish is through the immersion in the language and in its culture. An Intensive Spanish course in Spain, even if it´s just for a week or two, it will for sure give you the boost that you need to break the language barrier and start to speak...
by Maria | Mar 28, 2018 | Culture & Traditions
Estamos en Semana Santa, un momento muy especial para estar en España y ver como se vive “La Pasión” de Cristo. Para los que no estéis muy familiarizados con esta costumbre, hoy vamos a explicar el significado de esta fiesta y sus elementos principales. La Semana...