The best apps to learn Spanish

The best apps to learn Spanish

Practising what you learn in class is essential to improve your Spanish level and retain new concepts. However, lack of time can sometimes make it difficult to study or practice the language outside the classroom. But what if you could continue learning Spanish from...
Phrase of the week: Ni fu ni fa

Phrase of the week: Ni fu ni fa

We continue with typical Spanish expressions used in everyday life. Although it may sound a bit strange, once you have learnt the meaning of ‘ni fu ni fa’, it will be an expression that you will never stop using.  In fact, you have probably already witnessed a...
Best podcasts to learn Spanish

Best podcasts to learn Spanish

Podcasts are one of the best tools for learning Spanish properly. Through active listening you can better understand the intonation, accent, terms, phrases, expressions and words of a language as complex as Spanish. Therefore, it is no coincidence that one of the best...
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