Spanish words with double meanings

Spanish words with double meanings

Did you know that there are some Spanish words with double meanings? Today we have created a list of words that may seem simple at first glance, but the strange thing is, depending on context, these words can mean two different things. Spanish words with double...
Where do the Spanish days of the week come from?

Where do the Spanish days of the week come from?

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday… The days of the week is one of the first things we are taught when we learn Spanish, but have you ever thought about where the days of the week in Spanish come from? Well, they are linked to the Roman times and come from Latin. The Spanish...
Five Spanish TV series that you can´t miss!

Five Spanish TV series that you can´t miss!

The best way to learn Spanish is through the immersion in the language and in its culture. An Intensive Spanish course in Spain, even if it´s just for a week or two, it will for sure give you the boost that you need to break the language barrier and start to speak...
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